InfoLink Data Profiler

Key Benefits

  • Run detailed analysis to assess data quality
  • Identify data anomalies and create validation rules
  • Continuously monitor data quality with scorecards
InfoLink Data Profiler delivers a complete and accurate view of your data assets, uncovering the content, structure, rules, relationships, and quality of data, thereby revealing issues that otherwise might remain hidden. Data is analyzed at record and column level to identify irregularities, broken filters and data rules, misaligned data relationships and other defects. Unlike other approaches, there is no need to design data samples or to develop and run queries against production systems. Yet you can garner details about data content, noncompliance, and other statistics that manual profiling would miss.

Uniqueness and Completeness Analysis

Find duplicates, identify unique identifiers, missing values, outliers & other data anomalies.

Column Value Frequency

Get a list of unique values and frequency distribution to find anomalies and answer business questions.

Mask Analysis

Discover value patterns reviewing the frequency distribution of masked values. Word- and letter-based masking are supported.

Domain Discovery

Automatically discovers the functional meaning of data columns. Domains can used to assign business terms or to create business rules.

Join Analysis

Analyze potential join between two data sets: how many records are joined and complementary in each data set.

Relationships Discovery

Automatically detects foreign-key relationships between data sets by analyzing common values across data sets.

Drill Down to Data Source

Review records that have analyzed values or patterns.


Use scorecards to visualize, measure, and monitor data quality progress over time.